What is the role of ESG in private equity value creation?

Consideration of ESG factors is not new to private equity (PE) but whereas in the past firms predominantly integrated ESG factors from a risk management perspective, ESG is now widely seen for its potential to drive value creation.

From pre-investment to exit, there are opportunities for PE firms to integrate ESG factors across the investment lifecycle, helping to identify and mitigate key risks, identify opportunities for growth, access new markets, enhance efficiency in business operations, and maximise financial returns, and ultimately, exit value.

Read our article explaining 3 key ways integrating ESG into your strategy can create value:

  1. Improving brand, reputation, and employee retention

  2. Cutting costs and increasing efficiencies

  3. Managing regulatory risks

And learn how to provide support to portfolio companies to help them integrate ESG and maximise value creation.

Read our article on ESG in PE value creation here: What is the role of ESG in private equity value creation? - Private Equity Wire


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