Sexism in the City report finds a culture of misogyny persists

The House of Commons Treasury Committee’s Sexism in the City report found that sexism remains a widespread and significant problem and that barriers to women’s progress “remain stubbornly in place” in the City of London’s financial sector.

Little has changed over the last five years, with many firms continuing to regard diversity as a “tick box” exercise, says the report.

Read our review and commentary on the report.

Topics include the extent of misogyny, bullying, and sexual harassment, including rape, across the sector, as well as the “widespread misuse” of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

We also provide some insights on what firms can do to address these problems, including firm leaders taking responsibility for tackling these challenges and enforcing policies to eradicate them, as well as training, and other strategies such as offering equalized maternity and paternity leave packages and facilitating hybrid, flexible and remote working patterns.


March 2024 Newsletter


Neurodiversity in Financial Services